Key Stage 2 Reading Squad

We now have our very own KS2 reading squad and their mission is to make sure everyone knows how amazing reading is!
Their role will evolve over the course of this academic year but it will include reading stories to children, keeping the books and reading areas organised and well replenished for everyone to enjoy, recommending stories and reporting on reading events and opportunities.
An important part of the reading squad’s role is to read with a group of children in KS1 on a weekly basis to help to promote a love of reading and act as reading role models to our younger children. All members of our reading squad have been trained to carry out one to one reading sessions and have been buddied up with a partner from either year one or year two. The reading squad will spend time with their reading buddies, listening to them read, supporting them when they find words difficult, talking about the books that they have read and asking them questions. This process can help model good reading and promote an enjoyment of reading. By being Reading Role Models to our younger pupils, our reading squad will have the opportunity to further develop their self-confidence and their communication, leadership and problem-solving skills.
As with any skill, reading needs to be practiced on a regular basis and with this practice, as well as modelling, the children can improve their own skills.
The reading squad look forward to delivering you more reading related news over the coming months.